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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - AWS CDK Masterclass - Build Cloud Infrastructures in Code

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视频 2024-3-17 15:16 2024-4-28 10:23 56 2.45 GB 46
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - AWS CDK Masterclass - Build Cloud Infrastructures in Code的二维码
  1. 1. Introduction/1. Introduction - About Instructor.mp42.63MB
  2. 1. Introduction/2. Course Objectives.mp44.74MB
  3. 1. Introduction/3. What You'll Learn and Course Prerequisites.mp410.49MB
  4. 1. Introduction/4. AWS CDK Overview - What is it and Benefits.mp428.62MB
  5. 10. [Hands-On 4] - Real World Example - EC2 Instance Creation with AWS CDK/1. EC2 Instance Creation - Overview and Code Walkthrough.mp4185.06MB
  6. 11. [Hands-On 5] - Real World Example Email Notification Service with AWS CDK/1. Email Service Overview and Stack Setup.mp464.81MB
  7. 11. [Hands-On 5] - Real World Example Email Notification Service with AWS CDK/2. Setting up the SES and SQS Lambda Functions.mp467.7MB
  8. 11. [Hands-On 5] - Real World Example Email Notification Service with AWS CDK/3. Setup Sending Email to Admin and API.mp446.65MB
  9. 12. [Hands-On 6] - Real World Example ALB Creation with AWS CDK/1. ALB Creation with CDK - Code Walkthrough.mp470.97MB
  10. 13. Next Steps/1. Next Steps - AWS CDK.mp49.34MB
  11. 3. Development Environment Setup/1. Dev Environment Setup - Overview.mp45.42MB
  12. 3. Development Environment Setup/2. Setup and AWS Profile.mp454.89MB
  13. 3. Development Environment Setup/3. Install NodeJs.mp417.62MB
  14. 3. Development Environment Setup/4. Install AWS CLI and Setup.mp428.65MB
  15. 3. Development Environment Setup/5. AWS Machine Configurations.mp416.76MB
  16. 3. Development Environment Setup/6. Install VS Code.mp47.96MB
  17. 3. Development Environment Setup/7. Install AWS CDK.mp416.7MB
  18. 4. AWS CDK - Getting Started - Launch Your First CDK Application/1. Launch Your First CDK Project.mp4116.75MB
  19. 4. AWS CDK - Getting Started - Launch Your First CDK Application/2. AWS CDK Pricing.mp41.94MB
  20. 5. AWS CDK - Deep Dive - Key Concepts/1. AWS CDK Key Concept Overview.mp416.94MB
  21. 5. AWS CDK - Deep Dive - Key Concepts/2. AWS CDK Key Concepts.mp418.84MB
  22. 5. AWS CDK - Deep Dive - Key Concepts/3. Levels of Construct and the Construct LIbrary.mp447.83MB
  23. 5. AWS CDK - Deep Dive - Key Concepts/4. Project File Structure Overview.mp446.72MB
  24. 5. AWS CDK - Deep Dive - Key Concepts/5. CDK Important Commands.mp440.25MB
  25. 5. AWS CDK - Deep Dive - Key Concepts/6. Environment Variables and Outputs.mp447.1MB
  26. 5. AWS CDK - Deep Dive - Key Concepts/7. Lambda Functions Permissions - Listing all Buckets.mp490.68MB
  27. 5. AWS CDK - Deep Dive - Key Concepts/8. Lambda Permission - List Lambda Functions.mp439.37MB
  28. 5. AWS CDK - Deep Dive - Key Concepts/9. ListBucket Stack Cleanup.mp46.61MB
  29. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/1. REST API - Quotes App - Introduction.mp4104.05MB
  30. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/10. Destroy Quotes Stack.mp43.11MB
  31. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/2. Quotes Api - Adding Dynamo Table.mp499.37MB
  32. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/3. Setting up CRUD - Save an Item.mp4120.88MB
  33. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/4. Saving a Quote to Dynamo DB.mp465.31MB
  34. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/5. Get All Quotes.mp425.56MB
  35. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/6. Delete a Quote.mp498.73MB
  36. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/7. Update a Quote.mp483.38MB
  37. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/8. Get a Quote.mp432.54MB
  38. 6. [Hands-On 1 ] - Build a REST API with AWS CDK/9. [OPTIONAL] - Install Thunder Client and Serverless Console VS Code Extensions.mp441.7MB
  39. 7. Leveraging the Construct Library/1. Using the Construct Library - TableViewer Construct.mp440.72MB
  40. 8. [Hands-On 2] - Real World Example - S3 Thumbnail Creation with AWS CDK/1. Thumbnail Generation hands - Create an S3 Bucket.mp4104.12MB
  41. 8. [Hands-On 2] - Real World Example - S3 Thumbnail Creation with AWS CDK/2. Setting up the EventNotification.mp479.06MB
  42. 8. [Hands-On 2] - Real World Example - S3 Thumbnail Creation with AWS CDK/3. Setting up the Thumbnail Generator Lambda.mp489.5MB
  43. 8. [Hands-On 2] - Real World Example - S3 Thumbnail Creation with AWS CDK/4. Creating the Image Thumbnail - Debugging session.mp477.37MB
  44. 8. [Hands-On 2] - Real World Example - S3 Thumbnail Creation with AWS CDK/5. Saving Thumbnails to DynamoDB.mp4105.98MB
  45. 8. [Hands-On 2] - Real World Example - S3 Thumbnail Creation with AWS CDK/6. Creating a REST api and List all Thumbnails.mp479.4MB
  46. 9. [Hands-On 3] - Real World Example - Scheduled Event Creation with AWS CDK/1. Scheduled Event Project Code Walkthrough.mp4142.09MB
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